REGIONAL INTEGRATION ACCELERATORS Transnational Project to promote the Integration of Refugees into the Labour Market and the Host Society

The EU-funded (EaSI Program) RIAC Project aims to promote the integration of refugees into the European labor market with an accelerated and sustainable approach. The basic idea is to accelerate the integration process in certain sectors or companies through the implementation of established small, decentralized units (RIACs) with eight partners from Germany, Denmark, Italy, and Turkey.
More about the project and the activities you can find here:
Started in 2018 the Project RIAC – Regional Integration Accelerator is approaching its final stages.
The final Conference on 23th November 2020 between 13.00 – 15.25 (German Time) will be the opportunity to assess the strategic value of the project on different perspectives: future of the projects, the organisational resources and culture, and the relations with stakeholders.
We are looking forward to meet you at the conference!
You can reach the conference agenda here.